

Jan Matejko
Eros, Krakow

First Hour in Krakow

Klezmer music – Krakow

Portfolio exchange

Garden party at Krzysztof Tomalski’s home
June 8 – June 21, 2016
The Boston Printmakers’ exchange with the Jan Matejko Academy of Art in Krakow Poland ran from June 9-21, 2016. We owe a very special thanks to Krzysztof Tomalski and Marc Cote who, years ago, envisioned the Boston-Krakow exchange, and whose initial planning was realized with stunning portfolio of prints by artists from both sides—Poland and the U.S. We also express gratitude to Malgorzata Zurakowska, a member of the executive board, who served as our “cultural ambassador” and led us to deeply appreciate and love her native born city. Dziękuję Ci bardzo!
Krakow is a magically beautiful and historic city—an artist’s inspiration on its own, but our trip coincided with the 50 th Anniversary Celebration of the Krakow International Print Biennial-Triennial. The Boston Printmakers group received invitations to all major anniversary events and met many time-honored, legendary artists of the Triennial as well as the administrative leadership. Deborah Cornell of our executive board spoke at the public opening, “Window to the World.” Deborah was the Grand Prix Laureate and winner of the special Grand Prix D’Honneur of the 2015 Triennial. We also befriended Marta Anna Raczek-Karcz, president of the International Print Triennial and shared many events with our host, Krzysztof Tomalski, printmaker and dean of the Jan Matejko Academy of Art. We were delighted to catch up with Endi Poskovic, longtime member of The Boston Printmakers, during his Fulbright Scholarship.
Krakow’s central Grand Square, Rynek Glowny; Basilica of the Virgin Mary,
Cloth Hall and the Planty; Wawel Castle, Auschwitz and Birkenau, Weiliczka
Saltmine; Klezmer Concert in Isaac Synagogue
Warsaw’s Wilanow Poster Museum, Chopin music at Royal Łazienki, Tour of Old City, Polin Jewish Museum
The Boston Printmakers group attended the 50th Anniversary of the International Biennial and Triennial in Krakow
Centrum Gallery: award winning student exhibition from Jan Matejko Art Academy in the International Centre for Graphic Arts
Semafory, a stunning exhibition of Polish Artists from past Biennial and Triennial exhibitions in the future Facility of the Jan Matejko, Graphic Arts building, 21 Syrokomli Street
Opening of Window to the World, the 50th Anniversary Exhibition of award winners at the Planty (Krakow’s largest city park that surrounds the Old Town)
Commemorations and speeches; Jazz Band Reception
50th anniversary of the Krakow International Biennial and Triennia – Reception of Printmakers at ZPAP Polish Art Society, Lobzowska Street
Introduction to Graphic Arts Studios: set up; meet faculty and staff at 3 Humberta Street studios
50th anniversary of the Krakow International Biennial and Triennia – Reception of Printmakers at ZPAP Polish Art Society, Lobzowska Street
International Contemporary Printmaking Conference
Self-Presentations of Krakow and Boston Artists
Individual studio work
Celebration of International Exchange at the home of Dean Krzysztof Tomalski, Post Studio Seminar discussions, Studio Tour, Garden Barbecue
Faculty & Staff of the Jan Matejko Graphic Arts
Intaglio Studios:
Krzysztof Tomalski
Kacper Bożek
Marlena Biczak
Jerzy Piatkowski
Henryk Ożóg
Tomasz Winiarski
Woodcut Studio:
Bogusław Miga
Marta Bożyk
Lithography Studio:
Piotr Panasiewicz
Krzysztof Świętek
Bartłomiej Chwilczyński
Serigraphy Studio:
Marcin Surzycki
Stefan Kaczmarek
Boston Printmakers:
Sandra Cardillo
Christiane Corcelle
Deborah Cornell
Renee Covalucci
Susan Denniston
Liza Folman
Alice Galick
Judy Kramer
Ky Ober
Rhoda Rosenberg
Stephanie Stigliano
Julia Talcott
Malgorzata Zurakowska
Printmakers of Cape Cod
Marcia Goodwin
Gail Nauen
Independent Artists:
Selina Karim
Mark Wagner