Julia Talcott, Portable Color Trap, Linocut, monotype, 17″ x 24″ The Otis Philbrick Memorial Prize Collection: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jenny Robinson

Jenny Robinson, Worlds Fair #1, Drypoint on aluminum, 32″ x 40″ – Materials Awards: Hiromi Paper International, Santa Monica, CA

Janette Brossard, Haciendo Presión, Various print methods, 9″ x 12.5″ x 60″
Cate Francis, Around the Tree, Screenprint on stained Gampi, chine-collé, 25″ x 18″ – Materials Awards: Blick Art Materials, Galesburg, IL
Ibrahim Miranda, Halcón en Boston/ A Falcon in Boston, 2013, serigrafía / silkscreen, 76cm x 56 cm
Los de Abajo Collective, Falling Man, Mixed media 10 ” x 7 “
Mike Elko, The New Neighbors’ Dog, Screenprint 26 “x 22.5 “
Edward Bateman, Spectral Device No. 11, Pigment Print from 3D Digital Construction with CDV, 23 Inches x 17 Inches – The Danforth Art Prize Collection: Danforth Art, Framingham, MA
EXHIBITION DATES: October 27 – December 20, 2013
LOCATION: 808 Gallery, 808 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215
Opening Reception : Sunday, October 27, 3 – 5 pm
Juror: Dennis Michael Jon, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings, Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Dennis Michael Jon is associate curator in the Department of Prints and Drawings at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. He is a specialist in modern and contemporary works on paper and artists’ books, Jon has organized more than 50 exhibitions during his museum career, most recently “The World at Work” Images of Labor and Industry, 1850 to Now,” featuring prints, drawings, and photographs by leading American and international artists. He has authored and co-authored ten books and numerous articles and essays on a range of topics, including the catalogue raisonné of the published prints and multiples of Vermillion Editions Limited, a Minneapolis-based collaborative printmaking workshop, whose archive is part of the MIA’s permanent collection. Jon studied studio art and art history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and received his graduate degree in art history from the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis.
Being new to the North American Print Biennial, I didn’t know what to expect from the submissions. My first surprise was the sheer number of entries. Nearly 2,400 works of art were presented for consideration—a number that ultimately would be honed to around 135. Even so, there was no guarantee that I’d find enough works of merit to mount an exhibition that represented the diverse currents of contemporary printmaking. I shouldn’t have worried, as the quality of the submissions was on the whole very high.
JUROR’S TALK:New Media and the North American Print Biennial,
Dennis Michael Jon
Sunday, October 27, 1:30 pm
Jacob Sleeper Auditorium, 871 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
A juried exhibition of student prints from 18 colleges and universities
Read more →
RELATED EVENT: Highpoint Editions: Cutting-edge Printmaking
Gallery Talk by Dennis Michael Jon
Friday, October 25, 3 pm
Sherman Gallery, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, 02215
Installation by Cuban Artist Ibrahim Miranda
He created two signature prints for the 2013 Print Biennial. (see left side)
808 Gallery
808 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 11 am – 5 pm
Thursday : 5 pm – 8p
Saturday – Sunday: 1 pm – 5pm
Gallery Website
ARTICLE ON THE BU TODAY, November 8, 2013
Review of P.D. Packard from Brooklyn
William Evertson Blog
YouTube from Printmaker Barbara Putnam
2013 North American Print Biennial Prizes: over $10,000
Purchase Prizes:
The Boston Printmakers Prize
Collection: The Boston Public Library
The C.G. Metals Prize
Collection: C.G.Metals, Inc, Montclair, NJ
The Danforth Art Prize
Collection: Danforth Art, Framingham, MA
The Graphic Chemical Prize
Collection: Graphic Chemical and Ink Company, Villa Park, IL
The Otis Philbrick Memorial Prize
Collection: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Ture Bengtz Memorial Prize (to a Boston Printmakers Member)
Collection: The Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA
Cash Award:
Lawrence Tenney Stevens Award for Outstanding American Print
$1000 cash prize: Lawrence Tenney Stevens Trust, Superior, AZ
Materials Awards:
Atlantic Papers, Ivyland, PA
A to Z Printing, Lincoln, NE
Blick Art Materials, Galesburg, IL
Boxcar Press, Syracuse, NY
Gamblin Artists Colors, Portland, OR
Hiromi Paper International, Santa Monica, CA
Legion Paper / Moab Paper, New York, NY
McClain’s Printmaking Supplies, King City, OR
Mixit Print Studio, Somerville, MA
Muskat Studios, Somerville, MA
Savoir-Faire/Charbonell, Novato, CA
Savoir-Faire/Fabriano, Novato, CA
Singer Editions, Boston, MA
Takach Press Corporation, Albuquerque, NM
Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence, MA
Exhibition Installation & Design by Vincent Marasa with Nick Zaremba.
The Boston Printmakers is GOING GREEN:
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The North American Print Biennial, can answer any and all questions about the state of printmaking today…printmaking is alive, well, and thriving, and the proof is amply evident and on view in Gallery 808. -Roberta Waddell, Curator Emerita, The New York Public Library